Friday, July 23, 2010

Differences in Catholic/Protestant Salvation

I am always trying to perfect a way to bridge the understanding between Catholics and Protestants. Because I grew up in a more American Fundamentalist worldview, I tend towards using their language than other "higher" forms of Protestantism, so if you are an Anglican, Lutheran or other more liturgical Protestant, this model may in no way be helpful. In fact, I am not even sure myself if this model works, so I would appreciate ANY feedback about its weaknesses from both Catholic and Protestant.

Also, because I use the language of Protestants, it may confuse Catholics. All terms are relative to Fundamentalism and are meant rather to be understood in degrees rather than absolutes. So while a Protestant may see the Kingdom of Heaven being right now, they do not mean it in the same way as a Catholic, as they see the kingdom as amorphous, spiritual, non-specific to denomination or church. It is a body of believers who are joined by emotional and spiritual ties to Christ, not an actual physical corporate church as Catholics see it. Even the word "salvation" has different nuances between groups. So here goes...

Note: Neither Catholics nor Protestants believe that "works" are works of the Mosaic Law, but works of charity and faith. The New Covenant Law is the Law of Christians. Also Fundamentalists should note that in the Catholic worldview Jesus came to fulfill the Messianic promise to begin a new eternal Davidic Kingdom promised to Israel, this is vital to understand some of its dogma and doctrine.

MODELS of Salvation:

Protestant: Jesus came to conquer death and sin for us and now we, by faith, can accept this free gift and upon death enter eternal life. This is done as an individual. Emphasis tends toward focusing on salvation as a release from eternal damnation. Assurance of salvation bring security until you enter the physical Kingdom of God in heaven. Works are fruits of God living in you but do not affect salvation. You must be perfect to reside in the presence of God.

Catholic: Christ came to begin His kingdom and his sacrifice released those who enter his kingdom from the bondage of sin. Now, through God’s grace and your obedience of faith, you can become perfect. Emphasis of salvation tends towards release from slavery of sin. Assurance of salvation comes through sacraments because you are already in Kingdom. Works are fruits of God living in you and do affect your ability to see God face to face. You must be perfect to reside in the presence of God.

Whereas Protestants believe a “born again” experience is the entry way into salvation, Catholics believe it is the faith of baptism. Faith is not only personal but community-based. A parent’s faith can bring their child into the kingdom, a husband’s faith can sanctify his wife. There is a storehouse of faith within the Church which Christians can draw from. 

Protestant Model in Visual Form:
Holy Spirit come to sinner as an accountable person and they have a born-again experience in which they become “saved” from eternal damnation. They then are assured upon death that they will enter the Kingdom of heaven. From then on all their sins are covered by the blood of Christ and they will--until death--struggle with sin and though the will remain sinners stained with original sin, Jesus’ merits stand in their place and when called into Judgement, Christ’s life stands in place of their life. At some point after death, their characters will be miraculously transformed into perfection without any attempt of their own and without their realizing it. Hell is for those who did not have a faith experience nor applied the blood of Jesus to their lives.
_(sinner w/o faith)____|___(saved sinner: sins covered)___|___(KOH)___________
                                    |                                                        |
faith experience                                        Death/Judgement
                                        (sin miraculously extracted w/o person's knowledge)
Catholic Model in Visual Form:
Catholics teach that a person is baptized into the Kingdom of Heaven by either their own faith or their parents. They are now inside the family covenant and have entered the Kingdom of God (this would correlate with Protestant "born again" status). Baptism cleanses the person of original sin and now, living the Kingdom, they are no longer enslaved by sin, but able, through God’s grace to become perfect. Within the Kingdom, sacraments are freely given to encourage, uplift and perfect the saint. At the second coming or death is judgment. If one is not perfect and remains attached to certain sins, they then go to purgatory to learn repentance. After that they are able to stand face to face with God in his glory as a perfected and beautiful bride. Hell is for those who reject all light of love, faith and hope until death. 
✟ inaugurates KOH____(sinner baptized into KOH/becomes saint)__|___(See Christ face to face) 
                                                                          (if not yet perfect, purgatory, then Heaven)
While Protestants believe if you are not “saved” you go to hell, Catholics believe that God’s mercy is available for all and we cannot say who goes to hell, it is His judgement not ours.

The main difference is that Protestants look forward to a physical Kingdom of Heaven upon death and resurrection. Catholics believe that the physical Kingdom was established at Pentecost. Entry into eternal life (born-again status) for the Protestant is at an experience where he or she allowed the Lord to come into their hearts and they make Him Lord. For the Catholic it is baptism. While Protestants believe "regeneration" happens at death, Catholics believe "regeneration" happens at baptism.  

Both Catholics and Protestants believe scripture backs up their positions. So if we are to communicate, we need to understand the nuances in words and the models of their biblical worldview. 

Hopefully this will help. 
God bless,


Loneviking said... just had to open Pandora's box,didn't you?

I'm not sure that a bright line distinction can be made between Catholic and Protestants on this issue. SDA's, for example, believe as the RCC that perfection of character is the goal of sanctification. The Holiness churches also have a similar viewpoint.

Another example is baptism. For many protestants it is merely a symbol for something that has already occurred. But the Church of Christ and some of the Baptist groups, along with Lutherans (although we don't see ourselves as Protestants) side with the viewpoint of baptismal regeneration.

I guess the best that can be done is present the Catholic side of things and then see how various Protestant groups line up either in agreement to or opposition to the Catholic ideas.

Arthur and Teresa Beem said...

I am hoping that I can help some people "get" Catholic thought. I hate to see so much misunderstanding.

Loneviking said...

You might have a better response if you post this on your Facebook page. You're right though that many don't get Catholic thinking. Most prots in America have been heavily influenced by Calvinist theology and vocabulary.

Catholics use a different vocabulary with different meanings. Maybe tackling a specific subject such as 'justification', 'sanctification' Gods' kingdom on earth' subject at a time is the way to go?

Arthur and Teresa Beem said...

I did post it on our facebook page, but I might do it again in a few days! Thanks for the suggestion.
